The key to solving this problem is too teach personal finance at schools, we learn things that enable us to make money in the future but we dont teach what money is, does and how the industry works (e.g. stock market, currencies etc)
The result is that when kids leave school at 16 and go into work/college/sixth form they all have different experiences/situations in their relationships with money. If a youth goes into full time work there are two options for them:
- Blow the money on the latest phone, game console and clothes
- Save money responsibly, and look into options of investment etc
I just hope people feel the same way, as I have gone through the same education system as them and in some key areas it is failing.
Dont forget to follow me and feel free to DM me with your opinion :)
Follow @savingyouth1
I believe you have observed some very interesting details,appreciate it for the post.
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Thanks for sharing! I have been trying to find as many tips about saving money as I can because I am trying to get some extra cash quickly. I also just found structured settlement buyers that I think will work perfectly with me!